500th Post!!!

Here it is, the 500th post on The Professor and Mary Ann!

I had been thinking that my blog wasn't very cool because it didn't have a point or a theme. My posts are scattershot and you may on any given day get a cultural lesson or a kid anecdote or even a rant or a recipe. Then Maddie, who has lately been one of the most religious blog readers, reminded me that Sebastian used to call tater tots "Peter Pans" since she read it here. I decided that whatever else this blog is not, it is the McFarland Family collective memory.

So I thought I'd celebrate by choosing a couple of old posts to remember on this momentous occasion:


Brenda said…
Love the bathroom remodel post, I had missed it and you know I love a good remodel. We did our kitchen last year - nightmare - but I LOVE it now, you should stop by and check it out sometime. We usually wait about 2 years in between projects, it takes that long to forget how miserable remodeling is.
Thora said…
I've been a lurker for a long time, and I thought a memorial like a 500th post was a good time to admit it (in case you've wondered why you have a regular reader in Ohio). I'm a good friend of Sarah and Matt Reed from BYU, and then I also randomly met Zina Wheeler on the Internet, who also seems to know you in real life. Anyway, my husband is a Phd student here in Ohio (in Biblical studies), and I love reading your blog, and being reminded that there is life after a degree, and someday we too can have a house, and even go on study-abroads, although hopefully to Israel for us.

I like reading about your family and kids - you do so many enriching, fun things as a family. I hope to be able to raise my girls like you raise your kids.

Curtis said…
Happy 500th! I loved the one about Will and his religion class. I don't think I've ever read that one. And still, the cake contest is my favorite. I still laugh.
Zina said…
Collective family consciousness is a good way to put it. I regularly question the point of my blog's existence, or wonder if I want to take it in a more coherent direction. But at least quite a bit of the funny and cute stuff that is done and said around here gets written down.

Your birthday getaway sounded fun. My one trip to the Getty I only got to see anything because Dean managed the kids, and I had really bad morning sickness (pregnant with Rose--which means he was managing just two kids, which sounds so easy in hindsight) so I'd love to see the museum at more leisure sometime.
Mary Ann said…
@ Brenda: I am definitely up for a visit to your kitchen! I still remember the last bathroom remodel, so I think I need another year.
@ Thora: Welcome! Nice to meet another lurker. We are always happy to have friends of Sarah and Matt, even the ones with amphibious names.
@ Curtis: I think the cake contest still beats pretty much everything too.
@ Zina: do the Getty again. It'll be much better without morning sickness.

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