About MA

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Executive assistant at Lawrence Berkeley Lab
2. Peon at BART-SFO extension
3. Paralegal at Farella, Braun & Martel
4. Case clerk at Freshfields, Fleet Street in London (I only did it for the address!)

B) Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. When Harry Met Sally
2. Pride and Prejudice BBC version
3. Mixed Nuts
4. When Harry Met Sally
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Provo, UT
2. Berkeley, CA
3. Piedmont, CA
4. Richmond, CA

D) Four television shows I watch:
(we don't have a TV plugged in, so this is theoretical...)
1. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
2. Divine Design
3. anything with Helen Mirren
4. um, think I'll go read a book . . .

E) Four places I have gone on vacation:
1. Berlin
2. Vienna
3. Chile
4. Hawaii

F) Four websites I visit almost daily:
1. Google search
2. friends' blogs
3. shopping sites
4. my bank

G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. chocolate.
2. doener kebap (Berlin turkish food -- shaved spiced lamb in a toasted fladenbrot with tomatoes, onions, cabbage and a yogurt-garlic sauce)
3. strawberries
4. ethnic foods -- Thai, Indian, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Ethiopian good stuff over rice

H) Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Monterey Dunes
2. Mendocino
3. Lietzensee, Berlin
4. Capitol Reef

I) Four people I tag:
1. Marie-Laure Oscarson
2. Saydi Shumway
3. Kathryn Baer
4. Mindy Reimer


ashley said…
Hi Mary Ann! Yum, I want to try a doener kebap!
Kathryn said…
Love learning things about MA, but a lot I already knew : )
M-L said…
I tag you too! I think that you could include Germany and Austria as places you have lived... you stayed there much longer that any of the other tourists going by.

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