Launching A New Decade for Sebi!

 For his 10th birthday, Sebastian knew exactly what he wanted: a trip to the space simulator up in Pleasant Grove. His brother and sister had both attended with Aunt Betsy's 6th grade class, and he'd wanted to have a party there for years. Unfortunately, they don't take anyone under the age of nine. I guess space exploration is only for the literate and mature crowd.
 We fed the boys lunch here, and went with a mostly Star Wars theme: Hoth Dogs, Fruit Sabers, Boba Fettables (carrot sticks), Darth Tater Chips, and Luke Skywater to drink (this is all from Pinterest -- don't think I came up with a thing). They played a couple of games, like shoot the storm trooper and the Star Wars trivia quiz. I failed miserably at the quiz and was shamed by a 10-year-old named Ryan.
Then they ate the cake and ice cream and were off to the simulator. From what I can tell, the kids are each assigned roles on a starship's bridge. Things such as captain, engineer, tactical, sensor, pilot, science officer, wing control, communications, and so on. Then they are given a mission to perform. I can only guess that these come from past episodes of Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century . . . The kids then have to try to perform their mission. Sometimes it's spying and sometimes it's a rescue. And they don't always succeed, but they always seem to have a great time.
I was hoping I'd find out what the magic is up there, but Rob, my eyes and ears, decided to go to Cook's nursery and check out what they were selling for spring plantings while the boys were there. The boys were thrilled with their mission and several of them said it was the best party they'd ever been to (this was not because of the Hoth Dogs, I can assure you -- they were Oscar Meyer cheese-filled jobbies). So I may get to find out when the next birthday comes around; everyone wants to go again!


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