In Boston

We arrived in Boston, where Jeff and Saydi have fed us fabulously, shuttled us to and from the airport (two trips each time), given us guided tours and and entertained us, and let us sleep all over their house. In return, we've busted their muffler, clogged the toilet repeatedly, thrown random objects wantonly across their home, and kept Jeff mostly out of the office for three days. They're all broken up to see us leave. Our Make Way For Ducklings tour of Boston. (click to enlarge) We walked through the Public Library, down Newbury Street, Commonwealth Avenue, took a ride in a Swan Boat in the Public Garden and visited the duck statues, and walked through Beacon Hill.
We were also feted by Dave and Heather so that we got a chance to see dear Boston friends while we're in town. We have three Heathers to whom we are close (sister, cousin and friend); I don't know if it's something in the name, but they are all three consummate hostesses. They are not of the fussy-piped-cream-cheese-on-cucumber-sandwiches kind of hostesses, though they can probably do that too -- they are more of the please-feel-welcome-in-my-home-and-no-it-isn't-any-trouble-to-put-on-dinner-for-thirty-people kind of hostesses. I think I could really learn a lot just being a fly on the wall about how to entertain and make people feel comfortable. I think I could also be a great writer if I could just sit and listen to Heather, Lisa and Becca hold court.
Though maybe that's not being a writer. Perhaps that's just dictation. They are three women who regularly test the limits of my continence and this time was no exception.
I'd put in a picture, but I didn't take a single one. Danny will have to show off one from his ubercool teeny German vintage camera someday.
Our hike through the New Auburn cemetery with a great view of Boston at the top (click to enlarge). Kids sat on cannons and played hide and seek and tried to find the biggest sticks they could to smack whatever came out of the trees. Sebi kept trying to collect pieces of glass as "treasure" and finally got his comeuppance at the top. We had a discussion of the difference between broken glass and sea glass. Saydi met us at the top with welcome snacks and Emmeline.
Plum Island (click to enlarge). Tuesday afternoon we drove out by Newburyport and visited the Atlantic. I should have brought bathing suits. Or towels. Or extra clothes. McFarlands consider it their obligation, nay, their birthright, to jump into water and build sandcastles at the slightest provocation. Temperature is no deterrent and it wasn't this time. The kids tempted their smaller, younger cousins into the water as well, and everyone froze afterward. Saydi took off to fix the muffler once we arrived, and Emmeline played happily in her tent. Later Joss took a nap there too. Maddie was thrilled to have done the breaststroke in the Atlantic.
Tuesday was also Joss's first birthday. Here is what he did to celebrate (click to enlarge). It was a pretty eventful day for a little guy. You need to seize the day when you're leaving the country the next.


liesl said…
Love it! So fun to see you guys at so many of our old haunts. (Waves of nostalgia . . .) Joss looks so grown up in those birthday pictures!
Jennette said…
I'm so jealous of your trip and you're not even in Austria yet! Next time, we're totally inviting ourselves to come along (at least to the Boston leg of the trip).

Can't wait to see what's to come!
Zina said…
Like Jennette, I was feeling a little envy trying to surface. I gotta go smell my freshly-bathed baby and stave that feeling off. :)

I used to be one who couldn't get near an ocean without going in, and one time I nearly even got hypothermia in a mountain lake. Maybe it's something about living somewhere that's landlocked; when you escape, you have to make the most of any opportunity. Now, however, I'm the mean old mom who looks at those wonderful photos and just thinks about the chore of getting the kids into dry clothes.
Lois said…
OK, "Make Way for Ducklings" is the best book ever.

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