Preschool Graduate

Sebi just had his last day of school. Here he is at his cubby. Each morning when Papa brings him, he hangs up his coat and puts on his super-duper name tag. Unbeknownst to him, the name tag is so that lots of researching students can write up his every move behind the one-way glass. I have always wanted to hang out behind the one-way glass and watch the kids all day, but I generally have one or two things to do while he's gone. I almost never got a peek at Sebi this year.
Here he is showing off his addition to the Word Wall where the kids bring in words that they see around the house. My brother will appreciate the presence of Tang (Mr. Twinkie always thought that Tang was the perfect food -- same all the way through). Of course Sebi is pointing to our contribution: the hippie tofu freakish Organic Flax Plus cereal (which is really good; Sebi and I like it with yogurt).
Then Sebi has to write his name and answer a question (today's was "Does your family plant flowers or vegetables in their garden?"). After he has answered, he gets to shake Mr. B's hand with one of the four special handshakes: octopus, snake, crab or saw. Mr. B is in charge of the teacher who is in charge of the other teachers who run the class. This year he studied post offices, birds, fish, and grocery stores. They choose one subject each term (each with a new set of enthusiastic El. Ed. majors doing their practicum) and then almost everything ties into it: books, math, the questions, surveys they take around the building and ask students, field trips and activities.
Finally, Sebi moves onto one of the centers. He has been very particular about his centers this year. He either builds with blocks or Legos, or he reads a story upstairs in the treehouse (where he informs me that there are stuffed snakes from IKEA "to put around you while you read"). He's had such a great experience this year, but he is looking forward to kindergarten at the same school his brother and sister have attended. He is worried, though, about the shots he's going to have to get in order to go. I tell him that Joss was tough enough to get three last time. Sebi will surely do even better.
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Megan said…
What a step -- you're so awesome to document the little things...they're so important! Sebi is looking so grown up.
Zina said…
For Rose's shots, the nurse and I had to hold her down while she screamed, and Rose still managed to jerk her leg and get a needle scratch. Good luck. Rose was pretty consoled by getting a new My Little Pony.

That preschool almost persuadeth me to move to Provo (so it would be closer.) We used to have a really cute preschool around the corner (Mabel attended it) but the owner moved away.

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