Joss is Zero and Three Quarters!

Joss gets to share his three quarter birthday with Abe Lincoln. Here is what the boy does right now:
He is in constant motion from the moment he wakes up until he finally drops to sleep. He wants to crawl all over everything, pull up on everything, unplug everything, and stick everything in his mouth. He's particularly fixated on the night lights that change color (which the Professor has always detested -- he's been known to wake from a dead sleep in the middle of the night and stumble cursing out to the hall to rip one out of the socket).
Joss is starting to stand alone for a moment, and he's just beginning to cruise along furniture at the right height. His favorite toy is a set of stacking rings from his wise Aunt Betsy. He loves to dump them off, smack them together, and hit them on the floor.
Joss still loves bath time every night with his nighttime wash in the jetted tub, and always has his hooded frog towel ready afterward (from John and Clarissa).
He is staying pat with 6 teeth, though I keep expecting him to pop out with another two on the right side any day now. Several times a day he falls and bonks his head and wails about it, or he opens a drawer, grips it, and then shuts it on his fingers and squeals. Just tonight Will and I were working on a school project and Joss screamed. We both looked up, and he had fallen head first into his toy bucket. There he was with his little behind up in the air, and his feet wiggling, and we ran to get him, but we had to laugh because it was just like a cartoon.
He gets very excited whenever the cat comes by. He eats at least a banana a day if you let him, and he also plows through a pear and lots of Rice Chex cereal in addition to his regular portion of baby food.
He's very quick to smile, and would rather be happy than not. He's very good natured about being picked up and moved around by his siblings, especially when he gets too interested in the electronics. And yes, I realize that the paragraphs are pretty arbitrary, but give me a break. He still wakes up once a night, and I don't always go back to sleep afterward . . .
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Anonymous said…
This was all fun to read (and it didn't even occur to me to worry about paragraph sequencing.)

At 2.5 Henry still bonks his head or smashes his fingers and wails about it several times a day. So does Rose at age almost-five, even, although perhaps with slightly less frequency.
ashley said…
Mia's cereal of choice is Cheerios. Without fail she pulls them out of the cupboard every night after dinner. Sometimes its hard not to take it as a comment on my cooking! :)

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