Josiah Oscar McFarland

Look who came on Monday! I was induced, so I was guessing that this might happen. As was recently pointed out, when I was having Maddie, I didn't want any sort of drug or medical intervention at all, so the full-on embrace of induction was seen as somewhat hypocritical of me. All I can say is, if you have ever delivered a 10 lb, 10 oz baby naturally (Will), you might think about your options too! My OB practice is happy to schedule an induction for any subsequent pregnancies if you're doing well, and I thought I might get a smaller baby and go back to sleeping on my stomach a week or so earlier too. I was right on the first proposition, but I'm not sleeping yet.
I got hooked up to pitocin at around 9, but didn't really do much until around noon. I drove all the nurses crazy because the monitors lose the baby at the least wiggle from either of us. It was the same way with Sebastian, and I think I just don't transmit well. I got to more active labor around two (I'm guessing) and had an epidural, also like Sebastian. I decided to do this after watching too many TLC Baby Stories where the labouring woman was able to sit and calmly discuss the weather while having her baby. I've gotta say that I loved the epidurals, and Rob is amazed at the difference having me around for the delivery instead of a panting, bellowing, wild animal version of me. As Julie Smith said, "You don't hear anyone advocating natural dentistry -- why natural childbirth?"
I was mostly frustrated that this labor wasn't moving along at the brisk clip that Sebastian's did (in at 7:15, baby at 1:29), and that there wasn't anything better on TV. We watched some CNN, some Rachel Ray, a Frasier re-run . . . then I plowed through a People magazine and made Rob help me with the crossword. We got stuck with only three empty squares, so we called his friend Heather to ask her the name of Kevin on "Weeds". Probably anti-climactic for her since she knew we were being induced, but she played along and with the Puzzler behind us, I was able to get to transition.
Baby was born at 7:09 after only a few pushes. He squealed mightily, and then settled right down for the first hour. He was 9lbs, 9oz and 21 inches, so he is the shortest of all the babies, and only bigger than Maddie. After looking at him for a while, we decided on Josiah Oscar, and we'll call him Joss. We called the siblings and grandparents and let them come up and hold him and watch as he got his first workup in the nursery. He was not fond of having his armpits or neck folds washed, but loved having his hair scrubbed as here. Everyone was impressed that he didn't cry when he got his heel pricked (but I know it was false advertising). After Rob changed us from a wacko, jabbering, intrusive, obstreperous, brash night nurse, to the shift manager who was wonderful (yay Rob!) we had a pretty good night, which means that the light was off and we were all three horizontal and not crying -- not that we were sleeping.
We played patient very patiently on Tuesday, but then busted out just after dinner time to come home that night where no one wanted to poke us. So far Joss is a peach. He falls asleep if you pester him in the nursery, and he is a lackadaisical feeder, but I think we'll work those out with even a few more days. Rob keeps peeping and muttering about how he hates babies, but I remind him that just yesterday, night was day and upside down was right side up and water was air and air was water . . . and I think he's making a remarkable adjustment. I think we'll keep him, especially because of those cheeks!
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Emma said…
Oh my goodness he's perfect!
I love the name, I love the hair, I love those cheeks!!
Congratulations to a job well done!
Zina said…
He's just beautiful! Congratulations. And thanks for writing up the story; I enjoyed reading it.

Henry was my 9 lb 11 oz baby and also my first spinal block (I was close enough to delivery by the time I asked for it that I didn't need a longer-lasting epidural.) Isaac and Mabel watched his birth, and it turns out that it's easier for me to put myself through pain than to put my kids through watching me in pain. I actually still have some reservations about epidurals (for me -- I don't judge others' choices) but I don't know if I could ever go back to doing natural birth now.

Good luck with the next few weeks while Joss gets used to the outside world. I actually wouldn't mind the newborn stage too much -- well, I mean, of course the sleep deprivation is pure torture -- but it's the fact that I can't fully make the outside world leave me alone that I resent more during that stage. I do try to carve out the time to ignore outside demands as much as possible, though, so I can relish the good parts of the newborn experience. (P.S. My version of postpartum nesting, to be clear, does not preclude my going to out to eat or walking through the mall or any other adventure I crave -- but it does mean I don't go to church until I feel like it, or keep any other external commitments.)

I hope you won't mind the long comment (which I don't expect you to take the time to read.) :)
Kathryn said…
Congratulations! There he is. A stunning addition to your family. What a beautiful boy. So happy for you!
I have told many friends about your natural dentistry line!!!
liesl said…
Congratulations! He is a good looking little kid! When I told Allen the name he said "Josiah! That's Jed Bartlett's (of the West Wing) name. What a great choice!" (I know you were waiting for Allen's approval =) We look forward to watching him grow!
Janet Kincaid said…
Congratulations! What a handsome little fella. My cousin, Gretchen, emailed me yesterday and told me you guys had finally delivered. Hope Maddie, Will, and Sebi enjoy their new little brother. Good job, you guys.
bostonshumways said…
my my, what a beautiful baby, we are all in love, just from the pictures! Can't wait to meet him in person.
Audrey said…
Oh my goodness is he adorable! Congrats! And Rob, I'm sure one day you will love babies!
Love you all! Can't wait to see you!
ashley said…
He is beautiful! Give him a squeeze from the Christensons.
Brinaghs said…
Jennette said…
Big Congratulations!! He's absolutely beautiful (but like that's a big surprise considering the looks of all previous McFarland/Shumway babies). Love the name and the nick name too. Glad to hear that the family is adjusting well, and I hope that Joss starts spouting out words like obstreperous (which I totally had to go look up, by the way) soon enough just to give Rob a break from regular newborn behavior.
Lois said…
Oh, he's a keeper (and not "the keeper of the gates of hell" as we refer to our children).

I'm scared to call because I might wake you up during precious napping time, but I'd love to bring over some food or steal your other kids away for a play date!
ohiolanges said…
Joss is gorgeous! Thank you for the story. The epidural part gave me a good laugh. I love them too.

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