Easter Morning

I realize that I'm an adult now. It comes to me when I reflect on the fact that my favorite part of Easter is seeing the kids all dressed up in their new Easter finery, and my least favorite part is that &*%$# grass in their baskets that I'm vacuuming and picking up for the next week. The kids' favorite part is at least the sugar high they're on all day, but it could also be the egg hunting (Will just loved the one yesterday -- sounds like he was one of the most adept hunters there), or the anticipation of looking in their baskets Easter morning.
This year, the kids got a larger than average haul, with regular toys and candy, and WebKinz (for those of you living under the same rock I am, these are stuffed animals with tags you use to register online so that you can pester your parents to play with the virtual pet on the computer instead of just playing with the toy itself). So now we have a cat, a hippo, and a white poodle named Quesadilla -- and three kids who wanted to play computer games on Easter Sunday. But Rob and I thrive on disappointing the children (it's our raison d'etre, right?), so they're already scheming about how fast they can get on tomorrow.
And don't they look dashing? I bought the boys' suits last year, so I'm really lucky that they fit so well. Maddie's dress rounded out their seersucker theme. She really wanted to go to church because her class was in charge of Sharing Time, so she told us she felt much better, even without Motrin. Then she sort of crashed again after church. Poor kid.
We got to have Opa and Betsy and Kiecoo over for dinner, and it turned out better than it should have. The ham and potatoes were good despite my starting on them too late, Betsy and Opa brought rolls and salad, and the table was beautifully arranged by As-Good-As-It-Gets-From-A-Strait-Guy Rob.
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Zina said…
They look fabulous! Sounds like you had a great Easter.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the pictures. I love their Easter clothes. Where did you get the cute Maddie hat?
J.M. Tewkesbury said…
Wow! What a gorgeous bunch of kids! And Maddie looks so sophisticated in her dress and hat, while the boys look quite GQ and Southern in their seersucker suits.
Lois said…
How cute are your kids???
jenlinmin said…
Maddie looks WAY too beautiful and WAY too grown up! Wow! Good thing we know she is as beautiful on the inside too.

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