Glienicke Summer Palace and Bridge

Now that the kids are back in school, learning to write their ones and sevens strangely, Rob and Sebi and I tried to get in another palace on Wednesday morning. Weather here was still gorgeous and we rode down to Wannsee, which is this lake, as seen through the pergola.
This was a Venetian/Byzantine 'curiosity' on the palace grounds. It was right next to the Orangerie where the head gardener let us peek in as they were bringing all of the palms and citrus in for the winter. She said that it was state of the art for the 1830's and had radiators inside to keep the plants warm.
Rob and Sebastian checking out the perpetually spitting lions.

This shot shows the historical pieces that they bought up and hung on the walls as decoration. This alone explains why Athens looks like it does these days (and, by extension, what anyplace might look like after a few centuries of tourism).

This palace is right next to the Berlin city limits, and the bridge (Glienicker Brucke) where the east and west exchanged spies and military people.


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