Will-O's Baptismo

While in Spain, I had a great companion who could not pronounce baptism in Spanish. I tried and tried to work on this one word with her, thinking it was perhaps crucial to her proselyting efforts, but I don't think it made one whit of a difference.

Last Saturday Will-O got baptized. He had grandparents and great grandparents and aunts, uncles, cousins and friends in attendance. Maddie Lou gave the talk on baptism and was very polished. Our friends sang a beautiful song. There were six kids getting baptized and it was a much larger affair than we remember Maddie's having been.

Evidently the floor was a lot more slippery in the changing room too. But I wouldn't know, because I didn't have to do much of anything but remember the clothes.

Afterward, we came home and had a nice lunch that everyone but me put on (the whole thing went well into Joss's naptime) and Will ran around with friends. I asked him if he wanted to open a present and he said "I know, I know, my scriptures." (so I guess you either choose surprise or tradition but you can't have both . . . )
And when the dishes were put away and the friends and family had gone, Rob and kids went with Grandpa Shumway in the truck and bought a behemoth of a Christmas tree. We had already decorated a fake one downstairs and I knew I didn't have the energy to make another one happen, so Grandma and Grandpa pitched in. There is nothing like three kids jumping up and down while you untangle and test light strings to make things happen. Now there is a tree, there are stockings, a nativity, the German pyramid and lots of trimmings. It was a lovely day.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations, Will!

(My word verification is mateduu, which sounds like someone saying your daughter's nickname with a cold.)
Anonymous said…
Glad we were there. It was, indeed, a lovely day.

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