Should I be Concerned or Flattered?

Rob has taken to photographing my cooking. Is it because he thinks I'm almost through that phase? Does he know something I don't? Maybe he thinks I'm going to lose an arm and want to look back fondly on the days when I could cook (and type on a qwerty keyboard, for that matter). This was tonight's punt: pear and gruyere pizza with caramelized onions. Dinner was delayed while he found the camera.
And the beknighted pie. Now that was the last time!


Anonymous said…
It's a beautiful pie and I'll bet it was delicious. I'm sure Rob appreciated it. Don't you think it's worth another pie next summer?
Do you remember Dad's comment when I said I'd rather make cake because it stayed around longer for the amount of effort? "That should tell you something!"
Anonymous said…
Well, it *is* a beautiful pie. And an amazing pizza, too.

Maybe next time you could make a cobbler and just lay the crust on top . . . ? (I hope that sounded helpful rather than nagful.)
Lois said…
Can I eat at your house?
jenlinmin said…
Can I get that pear gruyere pizza recipe?!?

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