Golden Gate Park

On Tuesday we drove into San Francisco to visit Golden Gate Park. Rob took Maddie, Will and Sebi to see the Chihuly exhibit (after reading them the riot act) and he was happy to report that they behaved beautifully inside. The boys were even excited about going to it since they had seen the video (what little boy can find fault with fire and blowtorches and molten glass?). In the meantime I pushed Joss around in his stroller and he screamed for an hour. Ok, maybe only just half an hour.
We walked out to a Greek place for lunch where our kids once again shocked and awed us with the sheer volume of food they could down. This time it was Sebastian who polished off a whole gyro. Don't be misled by this picture -- this was 30 seconds of a four hour adventure where Joss is smiling and in the stroller at the same time.
Then we walked over to Stowe Lake where Rob and kids rented a paddle boat and trucked around the island, checking out the ducks and turtles and the pagoda and waterfall. And I pushed Joss around while he shrieked in his stroller. Complete strangers offered me advice and tried to quiet him and a lot of them complimented me on the stroller. I tell you, if someone pushed me around in this thing, I would not complain!
We left the park and tried to go by the SF Herb Co to stock up on spices, but alas, they closed at 4:00 and we missed them. We had to console ourselves with visiting Mitchell's truly fabulous ice cream at the end of Guerrero.


Anonymous said…
Tell us more about the stroller. :)

(And it's true that the photo could be very deceiving, since he looks like the most pleasant baby EVER in that shot. Also beautiful.)

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