Personality Alert

In the last 36 hours, Joss has learned to smile. Will can make him go crazy better than anyone else. He catches your eye and then starts to perform, and it's come with some other great leaps forward. Now when he's awake, he wants to interact, and when he goes to sleep, he actually takes a nap. I couldn't believe it yesterday, he would stay up for an hour or so, and then take a nap for two. Three honest-to-goodness naps. I could really get used to this.
The most-asked question this time around his how his siblings like him. His crying has stressed them out (Ole! or not), but I'm amazed that they still want to hold him. Must be hard-wired.
I still can't catch his smile with the camera yet, but it's there. And the Most Exciting News (to me anyway) is that he slept six and a half hours last night. Now that is something to celebrate!
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ashley said…
I think one of my favorite things in the world is a baby's smile. Keep the pictures coming- they are adorable.
liesl said…
yipee! good job little dude! Sleep makes all the difference.

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